Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why We Love Jacquie!

This site was inspired by Jacquie, because we love her! You may not know Jacquie, but even without meeting her you will be inspired and in awe of her. So, this site is all about Jacquie, but also about spreading the POSTIVE energy across the web. So, let’s start the “Jacquie movement” off with why we LOVE Jacquie!

All of the members of the “We Love Jacquie” club got asked why they love the absolutely wonderful “Sexy Pant!” So….drum roll, please! Here are some really good reasons to love Jacquie!

Me (Sara Bear):
She always has the right medicine to make my tummy better!
Her smile, I just love it!
She is an AWESOME Mom!
I just want to put her on a shelf and keep her! (just kidding)

She’s pretty
Super duper sexy

Let me count the ways... 1, 2, 3
Duck sneezes!!!

Tom Tom:
Reason #1
All reasons. ever.

Those are just some of the reasons why we love her, but there are plenty more! So, if you know Jacquie, feel free to leave your thoughts below. And don’t forget today is National Pink Day!


The Bear

1 comment:

  1. She's so sweet that she will give you a toothache! hahahah...cheesy. But really, she is a genuine person who always has pure intentions. Love her!
